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My Safe Home Inspection provides wind mitigation inspections anywhere in Florida. Our qualified inspectors are highly trained, and every inspection is checked through our quality assurance program for accuracy.

What is a Wind Mitigation Inspection?

A wind mitigation inspection is an assessment of a property's construction to indentify wind damage resistant features. This includes roofs which meet code, strong roof deck attachment, roof to wall connections, hip roofs, braced gable ends, secondary water barriers, reinforced wall construction, and opening protection.

How do I request a wind mitigation inspection?

The easiest way to request an inspection is to click here!.
Our office is available as well at 1 (888) 697-2331.

How long will the inspection take?

The time the inspection takes depends on the difficulty of the inspection and the complexity of the home. Typically it takes our inspectors 30-45 minutes.

When will the report be available?

After the inspection, the data is checked for accuracy and the completed report is sent directly to the customer.

What are we looking for when inspecting the Attic?

Here the inspector is looking to see what decking material the roof is attached to and how that decking is attached to the trusses or rafters. The inspectors are also interested in how the trusses or rafters are connected to the exterior walls of the home. If the home has any gable ends, are they braced? Is a secondary water barrier present and properly installed?

What are we looking for when inspecting the Exterior?

What type of wall construction and roof shape does the property have? The inspector will look at the doors and windows to determine if they are impact rated, or if protection devices such as shutters are present and impacted rated.

What should I do to prepare for the inspection?

The inspector will need access to the attic and all exterior sides of the home. Make sure there are no obstacles blocking the attic entrance. If you have pets please make sure they are secured. If you have documents on your roof, shutters, and garage doors, please have them ready for the inspector.

My Safe Home Inspection provides four point inspections anywhere in Florida. Our qualified inspectors are well trained, and EVERY inspection is checked through our quality assurance program.

What is a 4 Point Inspection?

A limited visual inspection of the Roof, Electrical, Plumbing, and HVAC. Most inspections are requested to determine if these four parts of a home are sufficient in size and quality.

How do I request a four point inspection?

The easiest way to request an inspection is to click here!.
Our office is available as well at 1 (888) 697-2331.

How long will the inspection take?

The time the inspection takes depends on the difficulty of the inspection. Typically it takes our inspectors 30-45 minutes.

When will the report be available? How can I access it?

After the inspection is completed, the inspector submits the inspection along with photos to our quality assurance department for approval. Once approved the inspection report will be available online, and an email will be sent to notify the client it is available and how to access it. The typical turnaround is less than 72 hours. Printed reports are also available.

What are we looking for when inspecting the Roof?

Age and condition of the roof, and any signs of leaks or potential hazards.

What are we looking for when inspecting the Electrical?

Amp rating of the service, compliance with code, and any hazards. Types of wires, breakers, plugs, etc.

What are we looking for when inspecting the Plumbing?

Types of pipes used, water heater, and any hazards.

My Safe Home Inspection provides roof inspections anywhere in Florida. Our qualified inspectors are well trained, and EVERY inspection is checked through our quality assurance program.

How do I request a roof inspection?

The easiest way to request an inspection is to click here!.
Our office is available as well at 1 (888) 697-2331.

My Safe Home Inspection provides chinese drywall inspections anywhere in Florida. Our qualified inspectors are well trained, and EVERY inspection is checked through our quality assurance program.

How do I request a chinese drywall inspection?

The easiest way to request an inspection is to click here!.
Our office is available as well at 1 (888) 697-2331.

My Safe Home Inspection provides home purchase (full home) inspections anywhere in Florida. Our qualified inspectors are well trained, and EVERY inspection is checked through our quality assurance program.

How do I request a home purchase (full home) inspection?

The easiest way to request an inspection is to click here!.
Our office is available as well at 1 (888) 697-2331.

My Safe Home Inspection provides infrared inspections anywhere in Florida. Our qualified inspectors are well trained, and EVERY inspection is checked through our quality assurance program.

How do I request an infrared inspection?

The easiest way to request an inspection is to click here!
Our office is available as well at 1 (888) 697-2331.

Insurance & Real Estate Agents:

Create an account with us to:

  • Easily add inspection requests online
  • Request multiple inspection types for one homeowner at the same time
  • Get notifications when your inspection report is ready
  • Download your inspection reports anytime, anywhere
  • View all of your requested inspections and their current statuses
  • Online message system attached to each inspection

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